IntelliJ IDEA maven project not recognized
- IntelliJ IDEA 2018.2.5 (Ultimate Edition)
Problem and Solution
- New maven module under the existing project, IntelliJ not recognize that as a maven project
- The File -> Project Strucure -> Sources and Dependencies not automated selected
- Right click on the new maven module, there’s no maven in right click context menu, even there have pom.xml inside the project
- Right click on the src/main/java folder, there’s no class option
- Check the parent project is been added as maven supported project
- Check the new module is been added as maven supported project
There have few ways to ensure parent project and module as maven project
- Right click on the project then Add Framework Support -> maven
- Open Maven Projects in right menu bar, and select the pom file
My case was the parent project was removed from maven project support, result new Module -> Maven project are not recognized.